Everything in Setomaa is the same as in Estonia, just completely different. This region has throughout history been under the jurisdiction of various Russian entities. Because of this, the Setos are Orthodox Christians and churches, chapels, and holy days are of special importance to them. What is distinct us that on church/chapel days, Setos go to the cemetery to feast and celebrate at the graves of the departed, a celebration that the Setos call kirmas. The Setos have their own folk song tradition, the Seto leelo, which differs significantly from Estonian runo folk songs. Seto cuisine is almost the same as Estonian cuisine, only different, be it by preparation method, combination of ingredients, or serving style. Setomaa has always been a border area -- between Western and Eastern culture and religion -- and because of this it has its own kind of people who are neither this or that, just Setos.


MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Sunset trips from Värska beach

Seto Line boat trips are the perfect way to enjoy the nature of Setomaa and the views of t...

Activities & Adventure

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Old Jüri`s Soap Chamber

Old Jüri`s Soap Chamber is one special place. Silver Hüdsi, the first and only male soapma...


MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Obinitsa Museum

The Obinitsa Museum offers an opportunity to learn about the unique history and culture of...

History & Culture

Kisejärve hiking trail

Kisejärve hiking trail is 6 km long and runs along former horse roads and swamp borders (r...

Nature & Wildlife

Pullijärve hiking trail

Located next to the community of Misso, Pullijärv is a nice place to spend some time.  If ...

Nature & Wildlife

Õrsava Lake Hiking Trail

The Õrsava Lake Hiking Trail winds around the lake of the same name. The 5 km trail starts...

Nature & Wildlife

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Saatse Seto Museum

Saatse Seto Museum was opened in the former schoolhouse on 25 July 1974. The museum was fo...

History & Culture

Entertainment centre in the Vastseliina Episcopal Castle

The medieval entertainment centre of Vastseliina Episcopal Castle is a place full of legen...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Värska Farm Museum

The Värska Farm Museum enables the visitors to learn about the farm architecture, old tool...

History & Culture

Obinitsa Cemetery

The oldest section of Obinitsa Cemetery - its miniature burial mounds - dates back more th...

History & Culture

Lauluema kuju

Obinitsa paisjärve kõrgel kaldal seisab kivist Seto lauluema kuju. See on mälestusmärk kõi...

History & Culture

Härma walls in the Piusa river ancient valley

The Upper Härma Wall, also known as Keldri wall, is Estonia's highest Devonian sandstone o...

Nature & Wildlife

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Trout fishing at the Piusa Ürgorg (Primeval Valley) Holiday Centre

In Piusa Ürgorg Holiday Complex you can angle rainbow trout from the pond and have it cook...

Nature & Wildlife

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Värska Spa Water Park

Värska Water Park's jacuzzis are filled with pure mineral water. The Water Park has: miner...

Health & Wellness

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Seto Studio-Gallery

A permanent exhibition of older and contemporary Seto art and folk art is on display in th...

History & Culture

Treski Village Chapel

The tiny Treski tsässon, or Orthodox village chapel, can go unnoticed as you pass by it, t...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Piusa Pottery ceramics studio

Piusa Pottery is a ceramics studio open to the public. Visitors can watch traditional, as ...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Nopri Farm Shop

In essence, Nopri Farm Shop is a self-service shop where most of the local products are re...


God's Hill

Jumalamägi (God's Hill) is an ancient sacred place of the Setos. According to legend, this...

History & Culture

Meremäe Viewing Tower

The Meremäe Viewing Tower is located between Meremäe village and Vastseliina Castle on Mer...

Nature & Wildlife

Vastseliina Episcopal Castle Pilgrimage House

The Pilgrimage House introduces everything that is related to mediaeval pilgrims and pilgr...

History & Culture

Lüübnitsa Viewing Tower

Lüübnitsa is a Russian village in northern Setomaa on the coast of Lake Pskov. The local i...

Nature & Wildlife

Pikalombi nature trails

The trails have two possible starting points: in the parking lot of the Värska Sanatoorium...

Nature & Wildlife

Laskevälja Bike Trail

This 43-kilometer-long bike trail is lined by the Mustoja kame field, forests, hills, salt...

Nature & Wildlife

Hiking trails at Lake Kirikumäe

Kirikumäe's 3.2-km-long hiking trail winds around the lake of the same name, which is know...

Nature & Wildlife

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Piusa Caves Visitor Centre

Piusa Caves Visitor Centre houses a museum, a seminar room for 50 people, a café and a han...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Seto Line cruises from Värska

Seto Line Reisid OÜ created a route for the Värska cruise that still offers plenty of exci...

Activities & Adventure

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Andri-Peedo Farm Shop

The farmers of Andri-Peedo farm started raising goats in 2009, and in 2017, the most moder...


Piusa River valley hiking trail

The total length of the hiking trail in the primeval valley of the Piusa River is 15 km fr...

Nature & Wildlife

Lõunalaagri hiking trail

The 1.8 km Lõunalaagri hiking trail is located in the former South Camp area of the Estoni...

Nature & Wildlife


Põhjalaager ehk täisnimetusega Eesti Kaitseväe Petseri Põhjalaager (II diviisi staap) raja...

History & Culture

Obinitsa village chapel

Next to the Obinitsa Museum is a small log building with a barely noticeable wooden cross ...

History & Culture

Miikse Jaanikivi ja Silmaallikas

Miikse Jaanikivi on muistne ohvripaik. Ristiusuga koos tuli legend Pühast Jaanist, kes oll...

History & Culture

Seto Village Belt

Setos are one of Estonia’s ethnic and linguistic minority populations, whose culture and s...


MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Värska Visitor Centre – Reek’s House

The Art Nouveau summer residence of General Nikolai Reek on the shores of Lake Õrsava is u...

History & Culture

Petseri Statue of Liberty

The statue for those who perished in the War of Independence in Petseri county stands on t...

History & Culture

Saatse Boot

Saatse 'Boot' is a boot-shaped area of the Russian state border that cuts the Värska–Saats...

Nature & Wildlife

Metsa hiking trail

Metsa hiking trail runs from Riga to Tallinn, passing through the most forested areas of b...

Nature & Wildlife

Seto lihavõtte programm Värska talumuuseumis

Ülestõusmispüha on õigeusu kirikukalendris väga tähtis püha. Kalendrierinevuse tõttu peeta...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Värska talumuuseumi muuseumipood

Seto hinge ja armastusega kootud sokid ja labakud, helisevad hõbeehted ja uhked vanikud, r...


Verhulitsa terviserada

Verhulitsa küla lähistel asuvad tervise- ja orienteerumisrajad (1,2,3,5 km). Radade kogupi...

Nature & Wildlife

Värska terviserada

Värska terviserada on 1,6 km valgustatud suusarada ja valgustatud kelgumägi. Suvisel perio...

Nature & Wildlife

Värska promenaad ja allikas

Värska lahe kaldal, Värska sadama juurest, algab u 300 m pikkune järveäärne promenaad koos...

Activities & Adventure

Põhjalaagri matkarada

Põhjalaagri matkarada asub Värskas. 5 km jalutuskäigu jooksul saab tutvuda kohaliku kultuu...

Nature & Wildlife

Saatse Church

Saatse Church was completed in 1801. This congregation has been a mixed congregation of Se...

History & Culture

Värska Church

Constructed of field stones and brick, Värska Orthodox Church has Saint George as its patr...

History & Culture

Luhamaa Church

Just a bit north of the Riga-Pskov highway stands the Luhamaa Church, on the highest hill ...

History & Culture

Meeksi Church

Miikse Orthodox Church was built, just like the Obinitsa Church, in 1952, during Stalin's ...

History & Culture

Tobrova Village Chapel

The small wooden Tobrova tsässon on the right side of the Tobrova-Küllätüvä road looks lik...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Pleasure raft of the Rõsna Holiday Home

We have a motorized raft that can be used for a trip on Värska Bay. The raft can carry 15–...

Activities & Adventure

Podmotsa Village Chapel

Podmotsa Village Chapel is located in a small lakeside village in the middle of a medieval...

History & Culture

Laossina's Village Chapel

Laossina's village chapel, is located in a medieval village cemetery that is still in use....

History & Culture

Serga Village Chapel

There is a small village chapel near the Estonian-Russian border, which the locals call a ...

History & Culture

Scooter hike on the timeline of Setomaa

A hike that combines physical activity, fresh air, and a sense of history! Come alone, bri...

Nature & Wildlife

Canoeing on the border of the European Union

An exciting canoe trip along the border of the European Union! Canoeing is a convenient a...

Activities & Adventure

Canoe and kayak trips on River Mädajõgi

River Mädajõgi (Rotten River) flows through bogs and flood plain forests. The shores are s...

Activities & Adventure

Seto culture workshop 'Dressing up Seto-style'

Come to Obinitsa Museum to play dress-up! Seto culture workshop 'Dressing up' means that w...

History & Culture

Obinitsa Church and Cemetery

Obinitsa Church was built deep in the Soviet era: 1952, when the country was led by Comrad...

History & Culture

Bog shoeing on the edge of Europe

A bog shoeing (snowshoeing) trip that stimulates your fancy will take you to the frontier ...

Nature & Wildlife

Võõpsu Orthodox Village Chapel

Võõpsu's village chapel, is located right next to Setomaa's northern gate -- the bridge ov...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Excursion to Andri-Peedo Farm

Andri-Peedo Farm mainly operates in raising goats and making goat milk products. The farm ...


MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Boat and water bike rental at Rõsna Holiday House

Rõsma Holiday Resort, located in Setomaa, directly on the shore of Lake Lämmijärv, fisherm...

Activities & Adventure

Mikitamäe Orthodox village chapels

The square in front of Mikitamäe Culture House is called the square of Orthodox village ch...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Nopri Dairy Farm

At the Nopri Dairy Farm you can discover a modern dairy farm and dairy. You are welcome to...


MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Värska Veekeskuse Peotuba

Kuni 14-le inimesele mõeldud peotoas on olemas nii köögi- kui mängunurk ja see sobib hästi...

Activities & Adventure

Seto kultuuri- ja loodusmatk Obinitsas

Retk on suunatud aktiivsele inimesele, kes armastab kogeda nii liikumist looduses kui naut...

Nature & Wildlife

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Silmuskudumise õpituba - kolmnurkne kindaranne

Õpime peente varrastega kuduma imeilusat kindarannet. Kasutades erinevaid värve saad luua ...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Silmuskudumise õpituba - pitsiline kindaranne

Õpime peente varrastega kuduma imeilusat kindarannet. Kasutades erinevaid värve saad luua ...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Tikkimise õpituba - kasttikand

Kasttikand on kaunistus, mida rohkelt kasutatakse Seto rahvariietel. Peene niidiga valmist...

History & Culture

MTÜ Setomaa Turism liige

Silmuskudumise õpituba - lapiline kindaranne

Õpime peente varrastega kuduma imeilusat kindarannet. Kasutades erinevaid värve saad luua ...

History & Culture

Fatbike rattamatk Setomaal, Piusa Ürgoru matkaradadel

Rattaretke alustame Vastseliina Piiskoplinnuse varemete juurest. Tutvume piirkonna ajaloog...

Nature & Wildlife

Talsipühade tähistamise kombestik Värska talumuuseumis

Kui mujal Eestis peetakse jõule detsembris, siis Setomaal tähistatakse Kristuse sündimise ...

History & Culture

Marsruut naistele "Mullid, muda ja mudimine" Setomaal

Parim vaheldus argirutiinile, linnakärale ja kiirele elutempole on üks tore nädalavahetus ...


A trip to the mysterious Setomaa

Come to Setomaa to experience a different Estonia! The Setos have lived on the border of t...


Kicksledge trips to the Uninhabited Island

The uninhabited Salosaar is one of the 30 islands of Lake Peipsi. There used to be a farm,...

Activities & Adventure

Värska Mineral Water

For years, mineral rich, healing water has been extracted from several different wells in ...

Activities & Adventure

Värska Vesi

Most Estonians have heard of Värska mineral water. The mineral-rich, curative water is ext...

Activities & Adventure

Psrykov-Caves Monaste

From a small group of cave-dwelling monks in the 15th century has developed the spiritual ...

Activities & Adventure

Pechory Varvara Church

Setos have their own church in Pechory: the small wooden Varvara Church, which is dedicate...

Activities & Adventure

Tailovo Church

Tailovo Orthodox Church is a special place for many Setos now living in Estonia, as a larg...

Activities & Adventure

Irboska Castle

According to legend, Irboska dates back to the founding of the Russian state: in 862, thre...

Activities & Adventure

This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.