Meremäe Viewing Tower

The Meremäe Viewing Tower is located between Meremäe village and Vastseliina Castle on Meremäe Hill (204 m). Based on its name, one might think that the sea might be visible from the tower. However, the sea, as we know it today, is about 250 km from here, though Lake Pskov  – which is not visible on the opposite side, and which was probably also called a sea in the old days – is just 40 km away. In fine weather, the domes of the churches of the Pskov-Caves Monastery in Pechory can be seen from the tower. The wide view of Setomaa's fields and forests is amazingly beautiful in every season, regardless of the weather.

Fifteen people can climb the viewing tower at a time.

Features and amenities

General equipment
  • Information boards
  • Drop Toilet
  • Free parking
  • Recreation area/picnic ground


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