Vanemuine Theatre summer performance “Obinitsa”


Vanemuine Theatre summer performance “Obinitsa”

In summer 2016, the Vanemuine Theatre will continue its extremely popular summer production in Obinitsa. This time there will be nine performances. The dates are: 30 June, 1. – 3. and 6.- 10 July.

Obinitsa village is home to a lovely wooden house from the 1930s that was called Kalju House after the last name of the merchant’s family that lived there. It was also called the Obinitsa Window, as in the Seto fashion it hosted statesmen, pilgrims and scholars. Photo artist Carl Sarap captured the beauty of Obinitsa and five lovelies from the same family on glass negatives. Then came the Soviet invasion, and the house caught the regime’s eye, but the regime didn’t like the family… The infirmary, dairy, cultural centre, library, kolkhoz office – those 50 years and under don’t know anything about the Kalju family. Their family members took their photo albums with them when fleeing to the West or onto the long road to Siberia… To open the Obinitsa window and visit a masquerade ball or the double wedding of the family’s sisters, to see so close up the sickle that cuts and hammer that strikes? To experience the fate of the family at the gates of east and west where the wind is always blowing and scattering us like the dandelion fluff? An epic story of one Seto family over 100 years.

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