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Seto Culture Week


Setomaa kultuurikeskus

Seto Culture Week

Seto culture and customs are in the focus in the Seto culture week. Workshops, lectures, concerts, meetings, a Setomaa quiz and more take place all around the region. More than on a typical day, people will be wearing Seto folk costume and speak in Seto language. Seto flags will be raised. On 9 October, Setomaa’s birthday will be celebrated and the best, most diligent Setos will be honoured by the Council of Elders of the Seto Congress.
The week’s programme will be posted on the web a month before. The events programme will be updated constantly.
More information: www.facebook.com/VarskaKultuurimaja




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This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.