23rd Seto Lace Days
5 May marks the opening of an exhibition showcasing entries in the 23rd Seto Lace competition and “Üte talo naputüü”, looking at handicrafts of one farm. Entries to competition are accepted until 2 May. The theme of the lace competition this year is “Midagi iseendale” (Something for yourself).
Visitors have a good opportunity to have a go at Seto crafts, admiring masterpieces of Seto crafts and exhibitions on current events. The workshops and exhibitions introduce Seto lace making techniques and participants learn to use them in modern crafts. The event is organized by the Seto Käsitüü Kogo.
More information available at the Seto Farm Museum: www.setomuuseum.ee and Seto Käsitüü Kogo:www.kogo.ee