Home restaurant Maagõkõnõ at Toomemäe farm

Sirje Kruusamäe with her family welcomes you at the Toomemäe Farm in the village of Saabolda. The home restaurant Maagõkõnõ (poppy in Estonian) is the result of Sirje’s long-standing dream. When the family bought the farm, it was surrounded by a poppy field. Now, they are used to decorate the walls of the home cafe.
The restaurant serves gourmet local good. Our most popular dishes are pike cutlets, warm cottage cheese, and home-made ice cream, but also delicious pies. The hostess Sirje is a multi-time pie champion of the Seto Kingdom Day!
The restaurant is also perfect for cooking workshops, birthdays, and other events.

Features and amenities

General equipment
  • Free parking
  • Group catering
Room amenities
  • Inside: 35
  • Outside on the terrace (in summer): 40


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