Hundi Tourist Farm

Hundi Tourist Farm is just a few hundred metres from the European Union and Russian border. The log house with cozy rooms is perfect for family holidays, having a party with a few friends or if you want to take a break from your journey. There is a kitchenette in the house (guests can cook on the wood burning stove), fireplace and sauna. We also have a camping and barbeque site. Forests full of mushrooms and berries are nearby. Useful information: the farm operates as an organic pig and sheep farm.

Features and amenities

General equipment
  • WC
  • TV in recreation room
  • Fridge
  • Free parking
  • Recreation room
  • Camping area
  • Outdoor terrace
  • Sauna complex
Number of rooms/places
  • Beds in house/home/building: 10
  • Number of houses/buildings total: 1
  • Twin: 2
  • Double: 2
  • Number of beds in the high season: 10
  • Single: 1
  • Beds: 9
  • Rooms total: 5
Room amenities
  • Shared toilet
  • Bed linen
  • Shared facilities
Accommodation's additional services
  • Kitchen available
Leisure and relaxation
  • Barbecue area
  • Landscaped area


  • Cash only
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