Mardi talu Setomaal

Mõnus majake asub metsas, millest järveni on vaid 200m. Majutuskohas on neljakohalised toad. Kasutada saab kööki, vannituba ning sauna. Võimalus on telkida ja karavanautoga peatuda. Talvel saab kas järvel kala püüda või mootorsaaniga selleks ette nähtud radadel sõita (laenutust ei ole). Pärast ootab soe tuba ja kala valmistamise võimalus.Suvel purjetamine Optimist ja Luts purjekatel,sõit mootorpaaiga(lenutamise võimalus).Mesi ja munad kohapel hommikusõõgiks tasuta.

Features and amenities

General equipment
  • Internet access
  • Drop Toilet
  • WC
  • Free parking
  • Motor home/caravan parking
  • Camping area
  • Activities for children
  • Recreation area/picnic ground
  • Recreation room
  • Fridge
  • Pets allowed
  • TV in recreation room
  • Sauna complex
  • Garage
  • Safe at reception
Number of rooms/places
  • Beds: 12
  • Number of cabins: 2
  • Double: 1
  • Beds in house/home/building: 4
  • Rooms total: 3
  • Number of places for caravans: 2
  • Camping area: 3
  • Number of beds in the high season: 12
  • Single: 1
Room amenities
  • Shared toilet
  • Shower
  • Internet (WiFi)
  • Extra bed available
  • Bed linen
  • TV in room
  • Bed linen for additional fee
  • Meals available if booked in advance
  • Breakfast for additional fee
Accommodation's additional services
  • Motor home/caravan toilet emptying
  • Motor home/caravan rubbish depot
  • Kitchen available
  • Motor home/caravan water supply
Leisure and relaxation
  • Barbecue area
  • Landscaped area
  • Kids' playground
  • Swimming area


  • Activities for children
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This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.